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As a Hobbit, Frodo Baggins is not your typical "hero" material. He's short, loves to eat, socialize and just has no clue of the world beyond the Shire. Yet when Gandalf asks him to take the Ring, he does so and seals his own fate as the unwitting hero.

“It must often be so, Sam, when things are in danger: some one has to give them up, lose them, so that others may keep them.” ---Frodo Baggins

So what characteristics does Frodo have that makes him the hero? 


First off, he goes even though he's scared. He knows of the consequences, and yet he does it for the better cause of saving his home. 


Second, when he realized all the deaths and pains that were caused because of ther ring, he doesn't drag others with him, rather he chooses to go alone. (Obviously he couldn't have done it alone, but just him doing this selfless deed is heroic enough).

Third, his stamina/will power. Many strong and brave men have fallen to the ring. However, Frodo does not, and he is able to take the ring all the way until the end. He often got tempted but he was strong enough to come back to his senses.


 Fourth, another thing that makes Frodo a hero is his "side kick", Sam. Most heros have that side kick who might not look heroic, or as important, but yet become an important part in the hero's journey, not to mention a loyal friend.

"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you."                             ---Samwise Gamgee

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